You are offered free access to this property for recreational purposes but you do so at your own risk. The property owner makes no assurance of safe travel for any purpose. Trails may be under construction or in need of maintenance at any time and without notice. Trails contain difficult challenges and obstacles. You assume all responsibility for your safety.

Private and Public Conservation Property

This trail network spans both private and public property. The majority of the trail network, called Turnpike Trails Upper and Lower, is on private property and the property owners have designated which activities are consistent with their conservation and recreational goals. Please respect these activity designations; violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. A portion of the trail network includes public trails at the Francestown Fisher Hill Town Forest. Biking and hiking are allowed on this town forest. Please consult the Francestown website, trails page for additional information about this town forest. Please refer to the Trail Information page of this website for additional information about the land parcels that are part of this network.


Turnpike Trails was built primarily for mountain biking and some trails include obstacles and challenges. Hiking on the more advanced trails may be difficult for some and cross country skiing would be impossible.
Dogs are prohibited.
Most trails are on private property.
E-Bikes are allowed only with written landowner permission.
Seasonal trail closures are possible to protect the trails from damage. Please honor these closures and check this website for the latest information.

Prohibited Activities